The Washington Community Forestry Council (WCFC) is a statewide advisory council comprised of volunteer members representing diverse perspectives on urban forestry in Washington state. Their purpose is to help support the mission of DNR’s Urban & Community Forestry Program* and advise the Commissioner of Public Lands and DNR on statewide issues pertaining to urban and community forestry.

The council is recruiting five positions that will be filled by early 2024. In general, the council is seeking applicants who can represent the following interests:

  • Non-profit or volunteer work associated with environmental conservation
  • Registered Landscape Architect
  • Elected Official (not representing the Association of Washington Cities, PNW ISA, or the Washington State Association of Counties; Note: these organizations are already currently represented on the Council)
  • Public or private Urban and Community Forestry academic professionals
  • Private Sector or Commercial Arborist, not representing PNW ISA

These listed positions represent broad categories of potential applicants. Professionals that have non-traditional experience in urban forestry or natural resource management are encouraged to apply. The Washington Community Forestry Council seeks to diversify its membership and welcome new perspectives. The opportunity to broadly recruit for these positions appeals to the Council given their current focus on equity and environmental justice. Furthermore, the current council make-up is more heavily weighted toward Western Washington; applicants from Eastern Washington are encouraged to apply.    

To apply, interested individuals are asked to send in a resume and letter of interest to by Friday, December 29, 2023. Letters of interest should describe a person’s experience with, interest in, or connection to nature in cities; any experience or interest in environmental justice; why the applicant wishes to participate on the Washington Community Forestry Council, and how they hope to be an asset as a new member. 

Applicants do not need to be senior professionals or people with leadership experience. The Council welcomes people of all ages and levels of experience to apply. Anyone with questions about their eligibility is strongly encouraged to inquire with DNR’s Urban & Community Forestry Program Manager, Ben Thompson at 360-485-8651 or

Caption: Photo of the Teanaway Community Forest, the first of DNR owned Community Forests.

Participating on the Council can be a great opportunity to engage in high-level urban forestry issues, expand your professional network, and represent perspectives that are unique to you, your community, or your organization. Participants assist the DNR Urban & Community Forestry Program and the Council to fulfill their mission all while enhancing their own knowledge, experience, and leadership capacity. On behalf of the Washington Community Forestry Council, thank you for your interest; we look forward to reviewing a diverse pool of applications.

*The mission of the DNR Urban & Community Forestry Program is to provide leadership to create self-sustaining urban and community forestry programs that preserve, plant and manage forests and trees for public benefits and quality of life. The program does this by teaching citizens and decision-makers about the economic, environmental, psychological, and aesthetic benefits of trees. The program also helps local governments, citizen groups, and volunteers plant and sustain healthy trees and vegetation throughout Washington. The council was established under RCW 76.15 to advise the Washington State Department of Natural Resources (DNR) in carrying out the Washington State Urban and Community Forestry Program.